שמחה הכהן קוק
רב ראשי ואב''ד רחובות
ב'''ה אייר תשע''ה
Rabbi Simcha Hacohen Kook
Chief Rabbi of Rehovot
and Av Beit Din
Letter of Blessing
Rabbi Itzchak Steinberg has been occupied for several years in promoting family purity and has shown me his book, Your Home, as well as his software application based on the book.
Your Home provides a comprehensive and clear explanation of the laws of nidda based on the Shulchan Aruch and Nosei Hakailim. The book also includes the rulings of the leading poskim of our time.
Both the book and the software application make the laws of nidda accessible to a wide public and thus facilitate the observance of family purity.
It is a great mitzvah to promote and assist in the use of the book and software for the benefit of all.
Rabbi Itzchak Steinberg is to be praised and blessed for his important work aimed at increasing family purity in Israel. May his endeavors be received willingly and with joy.
Rabbi Simcha Hacohen Kook