Welcome (אורח)! Before using the app we will learn in 20 seconds how to use the app properly by 5 simple steps
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Now we demonstrate how to enter a period, we will click on the date י אייר may 10 th in the window that opens we will click on add event, and then click on halachic event. Please click forward
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As you probably have noticed, 4 red flowers are shown on the board, which symbolize the days of blood-seeing, followed by yellow flowers that indicate the possibility of a performing a ‘’hefsek tahara’’ from the fifth day on. Please click forward
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On the Halachic methods screen you can choose between Sphardic custom (minimum 4 days until ‘’hefsek tahara’’) or Ashkenzi custom (minimum 5 days until ‘’hefsek tahara’’) Please click forward
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Select the hour that the period started and click Save Please click forward
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As you probably have noticed, 4 red flowers are shown on the board, which symbolize the days of blood-seeing, followed by yellow flowers that indicate the possibility of a performing a ‘’hefsek tahara’’ from the fifth day on. Please click forward
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We will now click on י''ג אייר 7th of may in the window that opens, we will click on’’ halachic event’’, and pick the event a successful ‘’hefsek tahara’’ enter the hour that the ‘’hefsek tahara’’ was performed and click Save. As you can see 7 white flowers are shown, these flowers symbolize the ‘’seven clean days’’ Please click forward
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Please note, if your period lasts longer, mark a successful ‘’hefsek tahara’’ on the day bleeding has stopped. All days until the ‘’hefsek tahara’’ will be colored in red flowers. We will demonstrate this option by entering a successful ‘’hefsek tahara’’ on ט''ו אייר 9th of may Please click forward
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As you see all the days until the ‘’hefsek thara’’ are marked with red flowers Please click forward
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On the Halachic methods screen you can choose between Sphardic custom (minimum 4 days until ‘’hefsek tahara’’) or Ashkenzi custom (minimum 5 days until ‘’hefsek tahara’’) Please click forward
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Now we will demonstrate how to edit or delete an event we have already entered, click again on the date we entered the period a window will appear, we will click on edit or delete the event Please click forward
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Please notice that on all screens there is a '’My account'' field that will take you directly to your calendarWe wish you a fun and useful use